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3 Creative Communities You Should Know About

A female looks at a laptop while a male sits beside her, reviewing paperwork.

Step up your networking and creative endeavors by joining a community of people with similar goals. We have compiled a list of new/established, small-time/celebrity run creative communities for you.

1. Joe Gordon Levitt's HITRECORD

We'd be lying if we said we didn't get an immense amount of inspiration from Joe Gordon Levitt's community, HITRECORD. Partnered with his brother, his website and newsletter has fostered a community of people from every corner of creativity. With prompts on acting, writing, music and more, he kept people honing their craft (ahem, our craft) during the pandemic, although he started way before this time. See for yourself the power of "creating art for art's sake" on

2. Organization of Independent Filmmakers

What started out as Orlando Independent Filmmakers, a small Facebook group of Central Floridians wanting to complete bi-annual film challenges for art's sake, turned into a community of over 10,000 Orlando members, with expansions into a 501(c)3 non-profit, a community in Tampa, and a community in Los Angeles, launching in 2024. Each film challenge has turned into a full-day screening with a rotating list of genres that the filmmakers have chosen from to create a film within the challenge's parameters. The screening is accompanied by a red-carpet and after hours networking event. If you would like to join your local chapter, reach out at with the subject "[Location] Independent Filmmakers" for a referral, or visit They are actively seeking out Los Angeles-based filmmakers for 2024!

"Art for art's sake." - Joe Gordon-Levitt

3. Collab and Create Media

Someone in our network recently reached out about their new venture in empowering small businesses by crafting authentic connection through social media. Along with digital marketing strategy, they will launch monthly networking events, which will serve as a catalyst for meaningful connections and referrals. With small businesses, your village of supporters and marketing strategy play heavily into the success of the businesses. Follow @collabandcreatemedia engage with their community of small businesses.

It Really Takes a Village... aka a Creative Community

The network of like minds you cultivate today will be the people you find success with tomorrow. When you're feeling overwhelmed, overrun, or you just don't know where to start, you can ask us at AWHF Media for help. Or if you're shy, subscribe to our newsletter below and we'll keep you inspired there.

The opinions of the networking/creative groups within this article are solely based on personal experiences did not endorse or sponsor any statements. The owner of said groups may or may not be aware this article exists.


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